Showcase 2030

Without water, there is no life. Increasing water efficiency, forecasting and monitoring, as well as enabling water access for all is paramount to preserve natural ecosystems and develop thriving communities.Discover the important work of two start-ups and a foundation that are putting technology at the service of water efficiency and water access for underserved populations. They will be presenting their innovative solutions at Showcase 2030
Droople shocwased at this year's Showcase 2030 at the EPFL Convention Center! Represented by Drooplets Xavier Renger, Business Support, and Mathilde Béguin, Supply Chain Manager.
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All Gateways are using a LoRa network, but we will discuss together the technical specificities of the place you are equipping to adapt our offer between a 4G, Wifi or Ethernet gateway. More on our Support page
You can find help here.
For more, visit the Droople Support page to access the DIY videos and Quick Start Guides based on your product.
Each Droople iLink has a unique QR Code. Scanning takes you to configure it to a new or existing "asset". After configuration and use of your tap, you already have access to your metrics. For detailed instructions, you can find videos and tutorials on our Support page:
Our Support page can be found here
Our Technical Specifications here.
If you need any other assistance, please contact us here